Instrument of freedom
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Logga inUtgivningsdag: 2023-03-27
Recensionsdag: 2023-03-27
Mediakontakt: Bonnierförlagens Press
In this classic story, Sven Barthel portrays the art of being one with nature – and of moving without an almanac, a clock or fixed plans. “The sailboat is a discovery, the motorboat an invention - therein lies the whole difference”, he writes in one of his many accurate formulations. This is probably the best text ever written about sailing.
In this exquisite little book, Sven Barthel's fine text is accompanied by Roland Svensson’s fantastic pictures, as well as watercolors and graphic sheets. The result is a beautiful book in a handy format.
Sven Barthel was one of the 20th century’s foremost portrayers of sailing and life in the archipelago. He wrote around ten books, many of which have become classics.
Roland Svensson was one of Sweden’s most beloved artists. Most of his artistry revolved around islands in general and the Stockholm archipelago in particular.
This book is also available in a Swedish edition – Frihetens instrument.
Detaljerad fakta
Recensionsdag: 2023-03-27 Genre: Sport, idrott och friluftsliv Illustratör: Roland Svensson Formgivare: Patric Leo Thema-kod: Segling Antal sidor: 64 Mått: 115 x 160 x 14 mm Vikt: 125 g Format (utgivningsdatum): Halvklotband, 9789171265821 (2023-03-27)