Six feet above

Jumping to the top
Författare: Peder Fredricson
Köp boken Provläs

Utgivningsdag: 2022-11-07
Recensionsdag: 2022-11-07

Mediakontakt: Bonnierförlagens Press

This is the fascinating story of Swedish equestrian and Olympic medallist Peder Fredricson and his winding road to success. As a five-year-old he was riding on free rein in the Swedish forests and from then on everything was about horses. He worked as a groom for the best equestrians in the world, lived on next to nothing and rode for a while with a buzzard on his arm. He was a skilled rider but not very interested in competing.

When he finally was persuaded to compete in the big equestrian eventing and showjumping competitions, he realised that talent was not enough – he had to rethink completely. He created a structure, both for everyday life and for competitions, and the outcome was almost immediate. After only a few years, he was one of the best showjumpers in the world. Much has changed since his unconventional childhood, but his attitude remains the same – interaction with the horses is what is most important. His mental focus has been his secret weapon in the major competitions.

Today, Peder Fredricson is one of the top showjumpers on the planet with four Olympic medals to his credit. In 2021 he was ranked the world number one rider.

Detaljerad fakta

Recensionsdag: 2022-11-07 Genre: Sport, idrott och friluftsliv Originalutgåvans titel: Peder Fredricson Formgivare: Mikael Engblom Boktyp: Autobiography Thema-kod: Ridning, hoppning och dressyr, Biografi och prosa (ej fiktion), Engelska Antal sidor: 224 Mått: 200 x 250 x 23 mm Vikt: 1003 g Format (utgivningsdatum): Halvklotband, 9789171265852 (2022-11-07)

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Six feet above

Jumping to the top
Författare: Peder Fredricson
Köp boken Provläs

Utgivningsdag: 2022-11-07
Recensionsdag: 2022-11-07

Mediakontakt: Bonnierförlagens Press

This is the fascinating story of Swedish equestrian and Olympic medallist Peder Fredricson and his winding road to success. As a five-year-old he was riding on free rein in the Swedish forests and from then on everything was about horses. He worked as a groom for the best equestrians in the world, lived on next to nothing and rode for a while with a buzzard on his arm. He was a skilled rider but not very interested in competing.

When he finally was persuaded to compete in the big equestrian eventing and showjumping competitions, he realised that talent was not enough – he had to rethink completely. He created a structure, both for everyday life and for competitions, and the outcome was almost immediate. After only a few years, he was one of the best showjumpers in the world. Much has changed since his unconventional childhood, but his attitude remains the same – interaction with the horses is what is most important. His mental focus has been his secret weapon in the major competitions.

Today, Peder Fredricson is one of the top showjumpers on the planet with four Olympic medals to his credit. In 2021 he was ranked the world number one rider.

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Detaljerad fakta

Recensionsdag: 2022-11-07 Genre: Sport, idrott och friluftsliv Originalutgåvans titel: Peder Fredricson Formgivare: Mikael Engblom Boktyp: Autobiography Thema-kod: Ridning, hoppning och dressyr, Biografi och prosa (ej fiktion), Engelska Antal sidor: 224 Mått: 200 x 250 x 23 mm Vikt: 1003 g Format (utgivningsdatum): Halvklotband, 9789171265852 (2022-11-07)

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