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Logga inUtgivningsdag: 2025-02-15
Recensionsdag: 2025-02-15
Mediakontakt: Bonnierförlagens Press
This is the story about 'Andante', a Swedish vintage wooden motorboat. But 'Andante' is more than just a much-loved boat. Her unique backstory includes a world-famous owner and renowned boat builders.
'Andante', a Storebro Royal Cruiser 38 Baltic with flybridge, was delivered to Benny Andersson of ABBA in 1978. During his years as owner, Benny took her on short jaunts as well as longer excursions along Sweden’s lengthy coast.
This book will take you on a journey to Storebro in Sweden, where 'Andante' was built, and to the boatyard where skilled craftspeople devoted many hours to her restoration. You’ll also gain insights into famous places and memorable highlights from 'Andante’'s travels so far.
Beautiful photos show the boat's heritage, its ABBA legacy, and the stunning Swedish coast.
Welcome aboard!
Detaljerad fakta
Recensionsdag: 2025-02-15 Genre: Konst Översättare: Ruth Urbom Formgivare: Patric Leo Boktyp: Illustrated non-fiction Thema-kod: Musiker, sångare och grupper, Båtar, Båtbyggeri och båtunderhåll, Sverige, Senare 1900-talet, 1950–1999 Antal sidor: 144 Mått: 218 x 218 x 18 mm Vikt: 661 g Format (utgivningsdatum): Halvklotband, 9789171266392 (2025-02-15)